Over the past months, Project B has built a team of seasoned founders with 50+ years experience unf*cking industries, ranging from construction, media + telecom, and benefits to embedded finance. Today our team has set its sights on improving the lives of every German that interacts with payroll.

Payroll hasn’t changed in 30 years. Gosh, the tools literally look like Windows 95.

Today, we are integrating process automation & LLMs into a robust data architecture that is fundamentally changing how companies interact with their employees and service providers. You may even get paid faster.

Now this may seem a bit outlandish, as everyone is doing this these days. Our team has collectively raised over 750 million from VCs in Germany and Silicon Valley. They have also built one of Europe’s biggest payroll products on the tech and product side.

Btw… the product is live today!

So reach out. Meet the team. Learn about how our product makes customers’ faces light up today. Meet our payroll community on LinkedIn. Then you can decide if you want to be part of our mission.

🔭 We’re looking for Builders

People who want to get their hands dirty & have done so in the past. No doubt: You should be an experienced engineer or a subject matter expert in whatever you do — we’re working in a very complex field and building the perfect solution is definitely a technical challenge.

But we don’t care if you worked for a big tech company or graduated from a private school in Palo Alto. It’s much more interesting to us if you’re passionate about exploring new tech, have built your own projects on the side, or created your own things in the past.

Open Positions

🤙 Benefits

Early-stage startups can be messy – we know that. We are building a team to run the distance to create the best possible environment for all of us to not only do our best work, but also not burn out on the way.

<aside> 💥 Early-stage - This is still an early-stage project.

You’ll create the core architecture & take ownership for this project. You’ll interact directly with the founders to understand the value our product delivers to our customers.


<aside> 💸 Salary & Equity - We're competitive with compensation & we believe everyone should be an owner.


<aside> 💡 Team meet-ups - We believe in building a lasting team through human interactions. To accomplish this, we schedule regular team time. It’s a time to get to know each other, bond as a team, and have those brainstorming sessions that just work better in person.

7 percent of meaning is communicated through spoken word, 38 percent through tone of voice, and 55 percent through body language — Albert Mehrabian


<aside> 🏝️ Time off - We are working hard to make our vision a reality, but we also believe that taking breaks is important for our team to be the most effective. At the minimum, we want you to take 28 days!
